Niagara Therapy – Helping You Live with Arthritis

Reduce Arthritic Pain and Improve Your Movement

Niagara Therapy - Helping You Live with Arthritis
Niagara Therapy – Helping You Live with Arthritis

Niagara Therapy provide a range of products to help you move freely again. Request the Living With Arthritis guide for advice and products to help your day to day life.

Use the helpful symptom check to establish which care and products can improve your quality of life.

Get advice on the types of arthritis, symptoms and treatment. All specific to your lifestyle when you request the guide today.

The Niagara Therapy range provides effective pain relief through drug-free NHC Cyclo Therapy®. Giving you a deep-penetrating massage effect.

NHC Cyclo Therapy® Massage
All Niagara Therapy products have NHC Cyclo Therapy® massage technology. Enjoy the a deep relaxing massage in the comfort of your own home.

Flexible settings and controls deliver the remedy you need. Choose a lower setting to relieve aches and pains. Or pick a higher setting for a relaxing massage.

Request the Niagara Therapy – Living With Arthritis guide today. Let them help you say goodbye to aches and pains!